You Are Not So Badd: A Bad Boy Erotica Short Story Audiobook (Free)
Tylan must have go through my mind and he grabbed me personally with the hips and hauled me to the edge of the desk. One thrust acquired him deep inside me. I gripped his forearms and wrapped my legs around his waistline as he began to thrust madly in and out of my body. My moans joined his as he moved against me, taking us both to that place lovers understand.
Suddenly, my own body exploded into a million shimmering pieces and I cried out his name, pulling him right down to me. His mouth area shut over my breasts and he drew hard on my flesh, pumping his hips for all he was well worth. The sensations seemed to go on and on and I trembled in his hands.
His mouth present mine and I kissed him back using the same…