Words No Bars Can Hold: Literacy Learning in Prison Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Words No Bars Can Hold: Literacy Learning in Prison Audiobook (Free)


Incarcerated bodies, liberated minds: a narrative of literacy education in back of bars.

Words No Pubs Can Hold offers a rare glance into literacy learning under the most dehumanizing circumstances. Deborah Appleman chronicles her function teaching college-level classes at a high-security jail for men, most of whom are providing life phrases. Through narrative, poetry, memoir, and fiction, the learners in Appleman’s classes attempt to create themselves back to a society which has erased their resided histories.

The students’ work, through which they probe and develop their identities as readers and writers, illuminates the transformative power of literacy. Appleman argues for the importance of educating the incarcerated, and explores ways to interrupt the progressively common trip from urban schools to your nation’s prisons. From your sobering endpoint of what scholars possess known as the ‘college to prison pipeline,’ she pulls insight from your narratives and encounters of those who’ve traveled it.