Women and Leadership Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Women and Leadership Audiobook (Free)


In Females and Management, the eminent legal scholar Deborah L. Rhode targets women’s underrepresentation in management roles and asks why it persists and what we can do about any of it. Although companies generally stand to get from increasing gender collateral in leadership, women’s underrepresentation is certainly prolonged and pervasive. Rhode explores the reason why, including women’s family members tasks, unconscious gender bias, and exclusion from professional development networks. She stresses that we cannot about Ladies and Management address the issue at the average person level; instead, she argues that we want broad-based strategies that address the deep-seated structural and cultural conditions facing women. She surveys a range of occupations in politics, administration, rules, and academia and pulls from a survey of prominent women to build up solutions that can successfully chip aside at the imbalance. Included in these are developing powerful women-to-women systems, enacting laws and regulations and policies that address work/life imbalances, and training programs that start at a youthful age. Rhode’s clear exploration of the command space and her persuasive policy prescriptions can make this an important book for anyone thinking about leveling the playing field for ladies leaders in the us.