Web of Dreams Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Web of Dreams Audiobook (Free)


With nowhere to look, no one to help her, will Leigh flee into the arms of the one person she shouldn’t set you back? Don’t miss this fifth and last installment in the Casteel family members saga from New York Times bestselling writer and literary phenomenon V.C. Andrews (Blooms in the Attic, My Lovely Audrina), now a significant Lifetime film event.

Leigh VanVoreen had to escape from Boston’s Farthinggale Manor. The foul top secret she harbored within her seemed to darken her existence permanently. Jillian, her mom, would not believe her, and Tony Tatterton, her stepfather, had betrayed her cruelly.

However the pure devotion of Luke Casteel promised her wish and respect. Only Luke understood her deepest of secrets…just Luke would love and protect her. Bravely she bore the suspicions of the Willies’ hillfolk, as she tried to grasp the happiness that had such a long time eluded her. Leigh prayed with all her heart that her shiny, glowing dreams would save her from tragedy at last…