Twilight of the Elites: Prosperity, the Periphery, and the Future of France Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Twilight of the Elites: Prosperity, the Periphery, and the Future of France Audiobook (Free)


A separate account of how the gulf between France’s metropolitan elites and its own working classes are tearing the country apart

Christophe Guilluy, a People from france geographer, makes the case that France is becoming an ‘American society’-one that is both increasingly multicultural and increasingly unequal. The divide between your global economy’s winners and losers in the current France has replaced the old left-right split, leaving many on ‘the periphery.’

As Guilluy displays, there is absolutely no unified France economy, and those cut off from the country’s brand-new economic citadels suffer disproportionately on both economic and sociable fronts. In Guilluy’s analysis, the lip assistance paid to the thought of an ‘open culture’ in France is certainly a smoke screen meant to conceal the emergence of the closed culture, walled off for the benefit of the top classes. The ruling classes in France are achieving a dangerous stage, he argues; with no stability of a growing economy, the hope for those excluded from development can be extinguished, undermining the legitimacy of the multicultural nation.