The Unknown Comic Collection: Journey thru the Unknown and The Kardashians Joke Book Audiobook (Free)
This assortment of audioselections from Murray Langston, a.k.a. the Unknown Comic, includes his revealingmemoir and a laugh-out-loud publication of jokes that requires aim on the Kardashians.
Trip thru the Unknown
This detailed account ofthe highlights and lowlights of each year of Langston’s life, from June 27,1944 until his sixty-ninth birthday on June 27, 2013, is spiced with humor,drama, and enough celebrities to warrant the alternate title Name-Droppers. Trip thru the Unfamiliar offerssurprising revelations and several stories from his fascinating comic career.
The Kardashians Joke Book
Anyone who wants to enjoya great laugh in the Kardashians’ expenditure will love this hilarious reserve! Getready to have fun at hundreds of jokes targeted at the excessively hyped, self-appointedicons the Kardashians.
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