The Rogue Not Taken: Scandal & Scoundrel, Book I Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

The Rogue Not Taken: Scandal & Scoundrel, Book I Audiobook (Free)


Lady Sophie’s Culture Splash

When Sophie, the least interesting of the Talbot sisters, lands her philandering brother-in-law backside-first inside a goldfish pond in front of all of the society, she becomes the prospective of extremely public aristocratic scorn. Her only choice is definitely to flee London, vowing to start a new life definately not the aristocracy. However, the carriage in which she stows aside isn’t saving her from ruin . it’s filled up with it.

Rogue’s Reign of Ravishment!

Kingscote, “Ruler,” the Marquess of Eversley, has never met a woman he couldn’t charm, resulting in a status far worse compared to the truth, an over-all sense that he’s more pretty encounter than proper gentleman, and an irate summons house to the Scottish border. When King discovers stowaway Sophie, nevertheless, the journey turns into not boring.


He thinks she’s endeavoring to trick him into marriage. She wouldn’t have him if he had been the last guy on the planet. But carriages provide close quarters, dark secrets, and intolerable temptation, producing opposites altogether too attractive . . .