The Pattern Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

The Pattern Audiobook (Free)


Johanna Shelby could never have anticipated where that ‘fateful encounter’ would lead her. She could not have known then how like for the young, rough-hewn, hill doctor would cause her to turn her back on her privileged lifestyle, threaten to estrange her from her family members, and provide her towards the outrageous mountains of Appalachia. If she experienced known . But no! Nothing could keep her back. Not really her adoring, concerned parents. Not really her snooty, so-called ‘close friends.’ Not even her own flashes of question and dread. No, this love would not end up being denied. It was part of a larger design -like the design of one from the family members quilts her aunts and cousins fulfilled every week to stitch. Into those quilts went not just fabric, but meanings and recollections; and when they were finished, the were more than just quilts- they were existence stories. Johanna didn’t know what the future held. But she trusted God. . . And she understood that he’d cause her personal family members quilt to become rich and gorgeous -a pattern like no other.