The Ghost Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

The Ghost Audiobook (Free)


Joan Comyn swore allegiance to Robert the Bruce your day she witnessed England’s barbarous king torturing her famous mother, Scot patriot Bella MacDuff. Now the incomprehensible beauty slips into men’s hearts like a specter and entices England’s most illustrious barons to unwittingly divulge their secrets, then stocks them with her ruler. Known only as the Ghost also among her Highland Safeguard brethren, Joan has become the most desired traitor in England.

The man motivated to uncover her identity poses her biggest threat yet. Alex Seton once stood with Bruce but now battles for the foe. Though Joan knows she must prevent the attractive warrior or risk discovery, his knightly chivalry details a location in her lengthy since buried. When his suspicions grow apparent, Joan realizes she should do everything in her capacity to stop Alex from uncovering her mission and convince the powerful fighter to join forces using the Highland Safeguard once again. But as the best battle in the fantastic war strategies, will Alex choose like or honor?