The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity Audiobook (Free)


A pioneering physician reveals how years as a child stress can lead to lifelong health problems, and shows us what we can do to break the cycle.

Two-thirds folks have experienced in least one adverse childhood encounter, or ACE, such as abuse, overlook, parental element dependence, or mental illness. Despite the fact that these events may possess occured long ago, they have the energy to haunt us long into adulthood, and now we have found that they may even donate to lifelong illness.

Dr. Nadine Burke about The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Ramifications of Youth Adversity Harris, the founder/CEO of the Center for Youth Wellbeing and receiver of the Arnold P. Gold Basis Humanism in Medicine Award, expands on related topics such as her popular TED chat as she demystifies the connection between adversity and ill health. After surveying a lot more than 17,000 adult sufferers, she found that the bigger a person’s ACE score, the worse their health. This led Burke Harris for an astonishing breakthrough—childhood stress changes our neural systems and its impact lasts an eternity.

Through vivid storytelling that combines both technological insight with deeply moving stories about her patients and their families, Burke Harris illuminates her journey of discovery from your academy to her personal pediatric practice in San Francisco’s poverty-ridden Bayview Hunters Stage. She re-roots the story of childhood injury and its aftermath in science to help listeners see themselves and others more clearly.

For anyone who has faced a difficult child years, or who cares about the an incredible number of kids who perform, the innovative and acclaimed health interventions discussed in the The Deepest Well represents vitally important hope for transformation.