The Art of Rest: How to Find Respite in the Modern Age Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

The Art of Rest: How to Find Respite in the Modern Age Audiobook (Free)


Today busyness has turned into a badge of honour. We want to state we’re busy, yet at the same time we feel exhausted. Instead we have to begin taking rest seriously as a way of self-care and this book can help us to work through how.

The Art of Rest draws on ground-breaking research Claudia Hammond collaborated on – ‘The Rest Test’ – the biggest global survey into rest ever undertaken, that was completed by 18,000 people across 135 different countries. Much of value has been written about sleep, but rest differs; it is how we unwind, relaxed our minds and recharge our bodies. And, as the survey revealed, just how much rest you get is directly associated with your feeling of well-being.

Counting down through the very best ten activities which people discover most restful, Hammond points out why rest matters, examines the science behind the results to create what does work and will be offering a roadmap for a fresh, more restful and balanced life.