The 15 Disciplines: The Essential Checklist for Productive Leaders Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

The 15 Disciplines: The Essential Checklist for Productive Leaders Audiobook (Free)


The underlying theory from the 15 Disciplines is this: look after your team and they will look after you. A world where leaders believe more about others than they actually themselves, is a global that will achieve extraordinary productivity.

This book is very highly relevant to leadership. It is a powerful force of pragmatism for market leaders and a wonderful resource for them. The solid examples drawn from Stephen’s life, reinforce his messages.

This is not the pie-in-the-sky theory stuff I used to be fed at university and in my own educational training. It really is, to borrow the cliché, real world stuff, grounded in encounter and examples, and eminently beneficial.

This reveals Stephen Scott as a man with wide experience who wears his heart on his sleeve; his integrity and empathy come out on almost every page.

Adam Mason OAM – Anglican Chapel Grammar School