Picture Man, The (BBC Radio 3 Drama On 3) Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Picture Man, The (BBC Radio 3 Drama On 3) Audiobook (Free)


Neil decides he continues to be pushed too much from the uncaring and often callous behaviour he views around him. But when he begins to intervene in occurrences by taking pictures on his mobile phone, it has disastrous outcomes. Starring Martin Freeman as Neil, Heather Craney as Janine, Emil Marwa as Hussein and Peter Marinker as George. Also included in the ensemble are Jake Harders, Ania Sowinkski, Bailey Pepper, Joseph Tremain, Anna Bengo, Laura Molyneux, Alex Lanipekun and Ben Crowe. Directed by Sally Avens. Originally broadcast in the ‘Theatre on 3’ slot machine on 6 January 2008.