One Minute to Midnight: Kennedy, Khrushchev, and Castro on the Brink of Nuclear War Audiobook (Free)
- Bob Walter
- 16 h 24 min
- Random House (Audio)
- 2008-06-03
In October 1962, at the height from the Cold War, america and the Soviet Union appeared to be sliding inexorably toward a nuclear conflict on the placement of missiles in Cuba. Veteran Washington Post reporter Michael Dobbs has pored over previously untapped American, Soviet, and Cuban resources to produce one of the most authoritative publication yet for the Cuban missile turmoil. In his hour-by-hour chronicle of these near-fatal days, Dobbs unveils some startling brand-new incidents that illustrate how about ABOUT A MINUTE to Midnight: Kennedy, Khrushchev, and Castro within the Brink of Nuclear Battle close we came to Armageddon.
Here, for the very first time, are gripping accounts of Khrushchev’s plan to kill the U.S. naval base at Guantánamo; the unintentional overflight from the Soviet Union by an American spy airplane; the movement of Soviet nuclear warheads around Cuba through the tensest days of the turmoil; the activities of CIA agencies inside Cuba; as well as the crash landing of the American F-106 plane using a live nuclear weapon on board.
Dobbs needs us inside the White colored House and the Kremlin seeing that Kennedy and Khrushchev agonize over the possibility of battle. He displays how both of these leaders known the terrifying realities from the nuclear age while Castro-never swayed by typical political considerations-demonstrated the messianic ambition of a guy selected by background for a distinctive mission. Dobbs brings us onto the decks of American boats patrolling Cuba; inside sweltering Soviet submarines and missile products as they ready their warheads; and onto the streets of Miami, where anti-Castro exiles storyline the dictator’s overthrow.
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