Nineteen Eighty-Four Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Nineteen Eighty-Four Audiobook (Free)


Winston Smith works for the Ministry of Truth in London, chief city of Airstrip One. Big Brother stares out from every poster and the idea Police discover each act of betrayal. When Winston discovers love with Julia, he discovers that existence doesn’t have to be dull and deadening and awakens to brand-new possibilities. Regardless of the police helicopters that hover and group overhead, Winston and Julia begin to query the Party. However Big Brother will not tolerate dissent – even in your brain. For those with original thoughts they developed Area 101… Nineteen Eighty-Four is normally George Orwell’s terrifying eyesight of a totalitarian future where everything and everyone is slave to a tyrannical routine. Christopher Eccleston, Tim Pigott-Smith and Pippa Nixon celebrity in this fresh drama, portion of BBC Radio 4’s THE TRUE George Orwell period – a Radio 4 journey that explores the disjuncture between your man who was Eric Blair as well as the writer who was simply George Orwell.