Necrotech Audiobook (Free)
- A. B. Kovacs
- 12 h 35 min
- Random House (Audio)
- 2018-09-18
Road thug Riko has some serious issues–memories wiped, status tanked, girlfriend converted into a tech-fueled zombie. And the only people who can help are the mercenaries who believe she screwed them over.
Within an apathetic society without ethics or regulation, where fusing tech and flesh often means a killing edge or a killer conversion, an enormous conspiracy is unfolding that may alter the course of the human condition forever. With corporate and business meatheads on her behalf ass and a necro-tech blight between her and salvation, Riko is going to have to combat meaner, function smarter, and push harder than she’s ever had to. And that’s merely to make it through the day.
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