My Teenage Zombie: Resurrecting the Undead Adolescent in Your Home Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

My Teenage Zombie: Resurrecting the Undead Adolescent in Your Home Audiobook (Free)


This is a must-read guide for parents and grandparents who want to practically and successfully help their teenager navigate the ever-lengthening stage of adolescence, introducing them into society with confidence, vision, and success.

Zombies are not just found in horror books and movies. Sometimes they’re laying on your own living room couch. They are undead adolescents whose psychological and social development attended to a screeching halt. Torn between their yearning for independence and their dread about My Teenage Zombie: Resurrecting the Undead Adolescent in your house of surviving the exterior world, they have stalled within their maturity, inspiration, and purpose in lifestyle, hijacked by feelings of helplessness and concern with responsibility. Parents frequently feel ill-equipped to love, support, and information them-especially if they may be facing a midlife turmoil of their own and battling a number of the same problems in their own lives. Could it be really possible to escape this “undead” state of being?

IN MY OWN Teenage Zombie, David L. Henderson points out the teenage zombie’s mind, heart, and heart; how they experienced this undead condition; and how exactly to resurrect them back again to life. Using true case studies of households he has counseled, he represents both their physical and mental characteristics and will be offering practical suggestions on how to deal with, and perhaps prevent, having an undead adolescent in your house.

If you are the parent of the undead adolescent, there is expect you and your child. Or maybe you have kids who are not yet adolescents. It’s never too early to get ready for the difficulties that await you. Either way, stay calm and begin resurrecting zombies!