High Stakes Communications: 5 Essentials to Staying in Control in Tough Conversations Audiobook (Free)
- Larry Iverson
- 0 h 58 min
- Blackstone Audiobooks
- 2013-01-09
Focusing on how to lead difficult people in crucialconversations to improved relationships can be an essential skill. With this audioprogram, you will learn proven strategies and ways of help you inanticipating problem people, preventing tensions from boiling over, retaining theupper hand in a conflict, stopping power plays, and assisting those withcommunication problems to avoid communication breakdowns. In this programlearn
how exactly to instantly read people and situations;the way to handle difficult people and their emotional storms;how to build your power when someone pulls a power play;how exactly to plan a turmoil and steer a conversation;how to overcome barriers with people who are resistant to improve;the five best methods to handle conflict when it occurs.These strategies can make a difference in every area of your life asyou develop ways to easily and rapidly deal with person-to-person issues.Permit psychologist Larry Iverson assist you to gain a management advantage and stay incontrol through the use of the principles of HighStakes Marketing communications.
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