Voices of History Israel: Archaeology by Baruch Duvdevani, Benjamin Mazar, Meshulam Riklis, Nahman Avigad, Rahamim Haggag, Yigael Yadin
Voices of History Israel: Trailblazers and Heroes by Dola Ben-Yehudah Wittmann, Flora Muszkat, Helena Kagan, Ted Stern, Yitzhak Navon, Younis Abu Rabia
Voices of History Israel: The Six Day War and After by Chaim Herzog, Danny Koenigstein, Mordechai Gur, Teddy Kollek
Voices of History Israel: The Holocaust by Bent Melchior, Ebe Munk, Gideon Hausner, Henrik Kraft, Judah Nadich, Meshulam Riklis, Ole Secher, Wladka Meed
Voices of History Israel: Defending Israel by Alexander M. Dushkin, Ephraim Auerbach, Leon L. Gildesgame, Menachem Begin, Moshe Sneh, Rafael Aboulafia, Rahel Yanit Ben-Zvi, Rifka Aaronsohn, Yigal Allon
Voices of History Israel: Birth of a State by David Ben Gurion, Dov Joseph, Ezer Weizman, Herman Gross, Mahal Veterans, Mordecai Friedland, Rehaveam Amir, Reuben Gross, Yigael Yadin
Voices of History Israel: A Country with Its Institutions by Abba Eban, Avraham Harman, Kalman Mann, Meyer W. Weisgal, Moshe Landau, Nahum Pessin, Shlomo Goren, Sister Selma, Zvi Kaspi
Voices of History Israel: Building the Land by Annie Levine, Avraham C. Nevo, David Ben Gurion, Hayuta Bussel, Jacob Tsur, Jozef Nevo, Oved Ben Ami, Samuel W. Levine, Yosef Weitz, Zvulun Paran
Voices of History Israel: The Pioneering Years by Amram Hazanoff, Golda Meir, Moshe Nathanson, Oved Ben Ami, Yehudit Harari
This Is Real and You Are Completely Unprepared: The Days of Awe as a Journey of Transformation by Alan Lew
Rebbe: The Life and Teachings of Menachem M. Schneerson, the Most Influential Rabbi in Modern History by Joseph Telushkin