You Found Me: New Research on How Unchurched Nones, Millennials, and Irreligious Are Surprisingly Open to Christian Faith by Rick Richardson
Separated by the Border: A Birth Mother, a Foster Mother, and a Migrant Child’s 3000-Mile Journey by Gena Thomas
The Cranky Mom Fix: Get a Happier, More Peaceful Home by Slaying the ‘Momster’ in All of Us by Becky Kopitzke
The Hannah Anointing: Becoming a Woman of Resilience, Fulfillment, and Fruitfulness by Michelle Mcclain-Walters
Even Better than Eden: Nine Ways the Bible’s Story Changes Everything about Your Story by Nancy Guthrie
Becoming Whole: Why the Opposite of Poverty Isn’t the American Dream by Dr. Brian Fikkert, Kelly M. Kapic