The Terrorist Factory: ISIS, the Yazidi Genocide, and Exporting Terror by Costel Nastasie, Father Patrick Desbois
Crushing the Collective: The Last Chance to Keep America Free and Self-Governing by Charles W. Sasser
This Is an Uprising: How Nonviolent Revolt Is Shaping the Twenty-First Century by Mark Engler, Paul Engler
The Crime of Aggression: The Quest for Justice in an Age of Drones, Cyberattacks, Insurgents, and Autocrats by Noah Weisbord
Defending Free Speech: Selected Commentary by the Ayn Rand Institute by Elan Journo, Leonard Peikoff, Onkar Ghate, Steve Simpson
How Wealth Rules the World: Saving Our Communities and Freedoms from the Dictatorship of Property by Ben G. Price