Audacity: How Barack Obama Defied his Critics and Created a Legacy That Will Prevail by Jonathan Chait
The Smear: How Shady Political Operatives and Fake News Control What You See, What You Think, and How You Vote by Sharyl Attkisson
Love Wins: The Lovers and Lawyers Who Fought the Landmark Case for Marriage Equality by Debbie Cenziper, Jim Obergefell
In the Skin of a Jihadist: A Young Journalist Enters the ISIS Recruitment Network by Anna Erelle, Erin Potter
Stealing America: What My Experience with Criminal Gangs Taught Me About Obama, Hillary, and the Democratic Party by Dinesh D'Souza
Why Liberals Win the Culture Wars (Even When They Lose Elections): The Battles That Define America from Jefferson’s Heresies to Gay Marriage by Stephen Prothero
Dark Invasion: 1915: Germany’s Secret War and the Hunt for the First Terrorist Cell in America by Howard Blum