Think Like a Marketer: How a Shift in Mindset Can Change Everything for Your Business by Kate Colbert
Conversational Marketing: How the World’s Fastest Growing Companies Use Chatbots to Generate Leads 24/7/365 (and How You Can Too) by Dave Gerhardt, David Cancel
The Altman Close: Million-Dollar Negotiating Tactics from America’s Top-Selling Real Estate Agent by Josh Altman
Nine Lies about Work: A Freethinking Leader’s Guide to the Real World by Ashley Goodall, Marcus Buckingham
No B.S. Marketing to the Affluent: No Holds Barred, Take No Prisoners, Guide to Getting Really Rich 3rd by Dan S. Kennedy
From Impossible to Inevitable: How SaaS and Other Hyper-Growth Companies Create Predictable Revenue 2nd Edition by Aaron Ross, Jason Lemkin
AI for Marketing and Product Innovation: Powerful New Tools for Predicting Trends, Connecting with Customers, and Closing Sales by A.K. Pradeep, Andrew Appel, Stan Sthanunathan
The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth by Amy C. Edmondson
Scaling Leadership: Building Organizational Capability and Capacity to Create Outcomes that Matter Most by Robert J. Anderson, William A. Adams