De Niro: A Life Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

De Niro: A Life Audiobook (Free)



There’s little debate that Robert De Niro is one of the greatest, if not really the greatest, display stars of his generation, perhaps ever. His work, particularly in the first 20 years of his career, is unrivaled. Mean Roads, the Godfather Component II, Taxi Driver, the Deer Hunter, and Raging Bull all dazzled moviegoers and critics alike, displaying a talent the likes which had rarely–if ever–been seen. De Niro become known for his deep participation about De Niro: A Lifestyle in his people, assuming that part totally into his own life, leading to extraordinary, chameleonic performances.

Yet little is known about the off-screen De Niro–he can be an intensely personal man, whose rare public appearances tend to be designated by inarticulateness and palpable awkwardness. It could be almost unpleasant to watch at times, in powerful contrast to his assured film personae. In this elegant and persuasive biography, bestselling article writer Shawn Levy writes of the many De Niros–the characters and the man–seeking to understand the progression of an acting professional who once dove deeply into his jobs as if to cover up his inner nature, and who now seemingly avoids acting challenges, taking jobs which will make few obvious demands on his overpowering talent. Following De Niro’s origins as the kid of artists (his father, the abstract painter Robert De Niro Sr., was broadly celebrated) who encouraged him from an early on age to be independent of vision and soul, to his intense schooling as an professional, the rise of his profession, his relationships, his life like a father, restauranteur, and businessman, and, of course, his current movie career, Levy offers created a biography that reads just like a book about a personality whose inner turmoil uses him to heights of artistry. His many friendships with the enjoys of Martin Scorsese, Meryl Streep, Harvey Keitel, Shelley Winters, Francis Ford Coppola, among many others, are woven into this incredible family portrait of DeNiro the person and the artist, also adding a depth of understanding not before seen.

Levy has already established unprecedented access to De Niro’s personal research and production materials, creating a new impression of the effort that went in to the actor’s legendary performances. The insights gained from DeNiro’s extreme working behaviors shed fresh perspective on DeNiro’s considering and portrayals and are wonderful to learn. Levy also spoke to De Niro’s collaborators and close friends to depict De Niro’s changeover from an ambitious son to a transfixing and enigmatic artist and cultural amount.

Shawn Levy provides written a really interesting, insightful, and entertaining portrait of one of the most fantastic film performers of our period, a book that’s worthy of such an excellent talent.