Cloak & Silence: The League; Book 6 of First Generation Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Cloak & Silence: The League; Book 6 of First Generation Audiobook (Free)


Among the fiercest troops the Phrixians have everproduced, Maris Sulle continues to be an outsider his very existence. He was raised with a secretthat cost him everything-his birthright, his family, his military career. He’sonly ever had one like, and Maris offers sacrificed that to see his bestfriend reunited with the girl he adores. His great deed done, he now feels dropped and adrift. Even though his new family members does its best to consist of him,he’s once again externally looking in.

Ture has spent his life approximately Cloak & Silence: The League; Book 6 of First Generation hiding from everyone around himwhile trying desperately to squeeze in. Terribly hurt by everyone he’s ever known, hetrusts no one except his best friend-and truthfully, he can’t understand why hetrusts her. Nor can he believe her when she explains a devotion between friendsthe likes of which he’s never noticed.

However in his darkest hour, Ture is saved with a hero hethought just existed in novels, a man every bit while scarred andmistrusting seeing that he is and who does not have any interest in getting dragged into anotherrelationship with anyone.

Having spent his existence as a full time income study of doomedrelationships, Maris is well alert to the fiasco that has to inevitably follow courtship. Still, there is certainly something about Ture he can’t resist-something thatwon’t allow him walk away even when he understands he should.

So when old enemies go back to threaten them both,these two have to either stand together or die alone.