Between Jobs Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Between Jobs Audiobook (Free)


When you get yourself up each day, the last thing you expect to find out is a murdered man hanging outside your window. Things like that tend to draw the interest of the neighborhood police, so when yo’re squatting within your parents’ older home until you are able to get it, one more thing you can’t afford may be the attention of the cops.

Oh yeah. Hello there. My name is Pet.

It isn’t my true name, but it’s the only one you are getting. Things like titles are important these days.

And it’s not really much that I’m Family pet.

I actually am a family pet.

A human pet: I belong to the two Behindkind fae as well as the pouty vampire who just moved into my house. It’s not weird, I promise-well, it really is odd, yeah. But it’s not weird weird, you know?