Bad Business: A Bad Boy Romance Story Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Bad Business: A Bad Boy Romance Story Audiobook (Free)


Ease through to the make-up, Brenda,I said, turning my encounter away. That’s a significant amount of mascara.

Brenda gently turned my face back to hers. Will you be still before you make me screw up?

Are you absolutely sure guess what happens you’re doing?I asked. I was aiming to sit really still nonetheless it was hard. I needed to find out what I appeared as if. I hardly ever wore much make-up. I guess I never really needed it. Guys appeared to flock if you ask me anyway without it. I hoped it would be that way this time around too.

Of course I know about Bad Business: A Bad Boy Romance Story what I’m doing,Brenda snapped. I did so Kari’s make-up the last time. And she wasn’t complaining.

I chuckled. Ok. Ok. I’m sorry. I simply don’t desire to look like a tramp or something.

And I do not want he getting tips and pawing around me.

She put the finishing touches around the mascara and stepped back again to admire her handiwork. Damn I’m good,she exclaimed, clapping her hands. You appearance hot, mama.

Great,I said with a frown. Just what I didn’t need. Can I appearance now?

Brenda turned the seat so that I was facing the reflection. I barely known myself. Wow. I had! Whatcha think?

I slowly reached up and touched my cheek, careful not to wreck her hard work. I like it,I said softly. But I can’t go out looking such as this. I’m just looking to get the tag to note me. That’s all.

She grinned. Oh he’ll see you alright.

I actually grimaced. I don’t want that sort of attention. I simply need to get close enough to get the intel we have to bring him down. I’m not really interested in getting him.

Brenda closed up her make-up kit. Whatever needs doing to obtain inside,she stated. Her gaze fell to the manila envelope on the table in front of me and she picked it up. Damn. He’s warm!She whistled softly as she scanned his picture. Dang. I nearly wish I’d enrolled in the job.

We took the folder from her and scanned the picture of the tag. He was…

Caution: This reserve includes strong sexual articles and is supposed for mature market. 18+ only!