Angels on Earth: Inspiring Stories of Fate, Friendship, and the Power of Connections Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Angels on Earth: Inspiring Stories of Fate, Friendship, and the Power of Connections Audiobook (Free)


Through the #1 NY Times and international bestselling authors of An Invisible Thread comes a heartwarming and inspiring reserve about the incredible impact that acts of kindness from strangers can have around the world around us.

1 day in 1986, Laura Schroff, a occupied ad sales professional, passed an eleven-year-old boy panhandling on the road. She ceased and wanted to take him to McDonald’s. Twenty years later on, at Laura’s fiftieth party, Maurice Mazyck provided a toast, thanking Laura for about Angels on Earth: Inspiring Tales of Fate, Companionship, and the energy of Cable connections her work of kindness, which finished up changing the span of his existence. For the reason that toast, Maurice stated that when Laura ended on that occupied street corner those years back, God had sent him an angel.

Laura’s invisible thread journey provides deepened her belief that angels-divine and otherwise-are all over. After An Invisible Thread was published in 2011, readers from around began writing with Laura their own stories about how exactly opportunity encounters with strangers possess transformed their lives. From a female who kept a life by just buying somebody a book, to a financier who gave a stranger the greatest gift of most, to a instructor who chose a hug over discipline and transformed a lost boy’s future-Angels on Earth introduces amazing people whose unseen thread tales will move, shock, and inspire readers. Angels on Earth sheds light on what everyone can live happier, more purposeful lives through sharing random works of kindness.