A Freneau Sampler: The Prose and Poetry of Revolutionary War Writer Philip Freneau Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

A Freneau Sampler: The Prose and Poetry of Revolutionary War Writer Philip Freneau Audiobook (Free)


As heard about Sirius XM Radio and NPR stations!

PhilipMorin Freneau (January 2, 1752-December 18, 1832) was a notable American poet,nationalist, polemicist, sea captain, and newspapers editor, sometimes calledthe “Poet from the American Revolution.” This half-hour traditional dilemma wasadapted into enjoy type by Joe Bevilacqua, in association with W. John Bauer,English Professor, Kean School. It was first toured on stage with grantsfrom the Monmouth County Historical Culture and the brand new Jersey HistoricalCommission.

The play information Freneau’s fascinating life alongside the leaders ofthe Revolution, from George Washington to Ben Franklin, and features a finecast, including Joe Bevilacqua as Philip Freneau, with William Melillo, AlisonNead, Rick Ramos, Leslie Spital, and Cathi Tully.