Eat with Me - Sexy erotica Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Eat with Me – Sexy erotica Audiobook (Free)


‘The ice cream may be the last dish. He organized the dessert beautifully on the plate, but rather than complimenting him, I allow my index finger glide into the ice cream. I turn towards him and appearance into his eye, and bring my finger to my mouth. I open up it slightly and observe how his gaze comes after the ice cream. I cover my lip area around my finger and suck it loudly.’

Every night after work Anne comes home to an empty apartment, but that is where she feels one of the most alive. She watches the motions of a about Eat beside me – Sexy erotica youthful sexy chef in her favorite reality display. She studies just how he kneads dough and exactly how he cooks meals with such thoughtfulness and care and attention. She miracles if he’d present the same care towards her. She imagines is normally fingers inside of her panties. When she one day gets the chance to match him in real life she does everything in her power to seduce him…

This short story is published in collaboration using the Swedish filmproducer Erika Lust. Her purpose is normally to depict human nature and variety through tales of passion, intimacy, lust and love within a fusion of effective stories and erotica.