Martial Arts Book Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Martial Arts Book Audiobook (Free)


The martial art of boxing is being practiced from your era of ancient Thira, maybe even before that. There are several purposes of training martial arts. The primary goal is practicing combat since fighting techinques are a mix of codified systems and customs of various combat techniques. The main reasons behind training martial arts are for self-defense, armed forces and police. Sometimes it is even practiced to realize religious and mental tranquility and development. In a few nations, about FIGHTING TECHINQUES Book fighting techinques are applied and performed to serve entertainment to be able to protect the intangible ethnic heritage of that particular nation.

In historical docs of eastern Asia, martial arts are associated with their own fighting style or fighting arts. Nevertheless, the root base of original martial arts are located in the Western combat system as soon as in starting of second half of sixteenth century. The word “STYLE” is derived from Latin roots. In Latin, it really is known as “Arts of Mars”. Mars may be the Roman god of war. There have been many arguments made by many authors that fighting arts or fighting system would be more desirable for this historic art. On the basis of their application or their creation by professional fighters, fighting techinques should never be “martial”.

The base idea of fighting techinques is to create people understand and recognize the martial arts. Different stages of history explain the term of fighting techinques differently. This idea and relation will keep developing and changing as the culture and martial arts does. The word martial art is referred with numerous names in the history. As referred to in Chinese history, martial arts were known as “attacks and defense abilities” in the era of springs and autumn and the time of warring says. Term style was found in the era of Han dynasty and Ming dynasty. In Ching and Nan dynasty, tern fighting techinques were found in reference to several armed forces affairs and practices. During the short time of Republic of China, fighting techinques were known as Chinese fighting techinques. Later on, it became fighting techinques once and for all with the foundation of New China / Crimson China or the Peoples republic of china. As the annals was progressing, cool weapons were disappearing ultimately. Many professional fighting techinques weapons are now produced.