Lucy: A Paragon Society Novel Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Lucy: A Paragon Society Novel Audiobook (Free)


A key society of mages and shape-shifters is at war with blood magic-wielding bad-guys. It would be super awesome if the globe weren’t, you understand, in danger of getting overrun by wicked buttheads.

When the Paragon Society needs a situation contained, they call in their top battle mage, Lucy, a dual-blade wielding, fireball throwing, kicker of butts.

But a traumatic injury has fractured Lucy’s psyche, leaving her trapped deep inside her subconscious. The Culture and her close friends are desperate to save lots of her and so are ready to try anything. The devised plan seems simple enough; Orson as well as the gang are certain to get magicked into Lucy’s brain, locate her, and provide her out.

Yeah, right.

Lucy’s mind has gone into security mode, perceiving any save attempt as a threat as well as the last place anyone really wants to end up being is on the incorrect side of a pissed-off battle mage.