The Christmas Present – A Collection of Four Festive Erotic Stories Audiobook (Free)
A collection of four festive erotic short stories with mixed and various themes.
A Good LITTTLE LADY – Shanna Germain
When Kay’s partner Shannon tells her she’s found a new job, Kay has no idea what it is. She certainly doesn’t be prepared to find Shannon dressed as an attractive Santa, fulfilling wants for good and naughty ‘young ladies’ alike – but Kay’s not complaining…
The Perfect Meal – Emily Dubberley
Forgetting to buy a Xmas pudding to provide to your guests may not sound like the ultimate way to on the subject of The Christmas Present – A Assortment of Four Festive Erotic Stories love, but when Emily Dubberley’s narrator rushes out on Christmas morning to find the best pud, she discovers the perfect man instead! And pud or no pud, her close friends may be waiting around quite a while for this meal!
Payment In Kind – Antonia Adams
Kate’s always believed her long-standing flirtation with her colleague Dave to be entirely innocent. But as Christmas approaches, he seems to want it to be always a lot more than that – and to her very own shock, Kate can be starting to realise that so does she.
The Scent of Pine – Victoria Blisse
Having the in-laws stay over the Christmas time of year puts a definite dampener on Julie and Robert’s making love life. But abstinence offers its own benefits after Xmas: – there’s barely time to influx off the relatives prior to the sexy couple replace lost time…