You Are What You Believe: Simple Steps to Transform Your Life Audiobook (Free)
- Jeff Hoyt
- 2 h 4 min
- Berrett-Koehler Publishers
- 2016-08-01
We all have times inside our lives when the results of our behavior don’t seem to be meeting our needs. These shortfalls may result in depression, anger, irritation, and relationship struggles, among a bunch of feasible symptoms. It frequently seems difficult to see a obvious path from the problems. Even though we try to change our behavior, it doesn’t stick—before we know it we’re right back where we began.
Within this new book, Hyrum Smith about You Are What You Believe: EASY STEPS to Transform Your Life does two things that are invaluable to individuals who wish to make their lives less painful. Initial, he reveals, through a definite and basic model, how we get to the main point where our behaviors cause most of these problems. Then, with a simplicity that’s impressive alone, he identifies the steps we must take to identify and rectify the values leading to our painful behavior.
Through the use of the Reality Model and the idea of the Belief Window, illustrated through humorous anecdotes and a robust experience at a high school, Smith not merely lays out the intellectual framework of his approach but draws you in emotionally aswell. When you are completed, you will trust him that the solution to our complications is simple. It isn’t easy, nonetheless it is simple.
The result is a powerful process for transforming your behaviors and relationships and achieving long lasting personal and career success.
“Browse You Are EVERYTHING YOU Believe and transformation the results you are getting within an area you will ever have that’s not working. Thanks a lot, Hyrum, for writing the easy truths inherent inside your Actuality Model. It’ll continue to change lives in my lifestyle.”
—from your foreword by Ken Blanchard, writer of THE MAIN ONE Minute Manager®
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