The Porn Myth: Exposing the Reality Behind the Fantasy of Pornography Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

The Porn Myth: Exposing the Reality Behind the Fantasy of Pornography Audiobook (Free)


The Porn Misconception is a non-religious response to the commonly held belief that pornography is a harmless or even beneficial pastime. Author Matt Fradd draws on the knowledge of porn performers and users, as well as the expertise of neurologists, sociologists, and psychologists to demonstrate that pornography is destructive to individuals, relationships, and society. He provides insightful quarrels, supported by the latest scientific research, to discredit the fanciful promises used to defend and promote about The Porn Misconception: Exposing the truth Behind the Illusion of Pornography pornography.

This book explains the neurological reasons porn is addictive, helps individuals learn how to be free of porn, and will be offering real help to the parents as well as the spouses of porn users. Because latest study on pornography’s dangerous effects on the brain validates the encounters of countless porn users, there’s a developing wave of passionate individuals trying to improve the pro-porn ethnic norm-by inspiring others to pursue true love and to avoid its hollow counterfeit.

Matt Fradd and this book are component of that motion, which is aiding the countless men and women who would like a love untainted by warped perceptions of intimacy and rejecting the influence of porn in their lives.