Kingdom of Needle and Bone Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Kingdom of Needle and Bone Audiobook (Free)


Modern medicine has conquered or included many of the diseases that used to transport children away before their time, reducing mortality and bettering health. Vaccination and treatment are accessible, not held in reserve for the selected few. There are still monsters left to fight, but the aged ones, the simple ones, problems us forget about.

Roughly we thought. For using the reduction in risk comes the erosion of memory space, as pandemics fade from memory space into story into fairy tale. Those old illnesses about Kingdom of Needle and Bone can’t have been so bad, people state, or we wouldn’t become here to speak about them. They don’t really matter. They’re by no means coming back.

It begins having a fever. By enough time the areas appear, it’s as well past due: Morris’s disease is certainly loose over the world, and the bodies of the dead start to pile saturated in the streets. When its awful side effects for the survivors become apparent, something should be carried out, or the dying won’t stop. For Dr. Isabella Gauley, whose niece was the 1st confirmed victim, the route forwards is neither obvious nor strictly ethical, but it might be the only way to save a global already in turmoil. It might be the only way to atone for her part in everything that’s occurred. She will never be forgiven, not by herself, rather than by other people. But she can, maybe, do the right thing.