Bad Boy Collection: 10 Steamy Bad Boy Short Stories Audiobook (Free)
Ease through to the make-up, Brenda, I said, turning my encounter away. Thats way too much mascara.
Brenda gently flipped my face back again to hers. Will you be still before you make me mess up?
Are you sure you know what youre performing? I asked. I used to be endeavoring to sit really still but it was hard. I wanted to find out what I appeared as if. I never wore much make-up. I guess I never really required it. Guys appeared to flock to me anyway without it. I hoped it might be that way this time too.
about Bad Boy Collection: 10 Steamy Bad Boy Short Stories
Of course I know what Im doing, Brenda snapped. I did Karis make-up the last time. And she wasnt complaining.
I chuckled. Ok. Okay. Im sorry. I just dont desire to look like a tramp or something.
And I definitely dont want he getting concepts and pawing all over me.
She put the completing touches over the mascara and stepped back to admire her handiwork. Damn Im good, she exclaimed, clapping her hands. You look hot, mama.
Great, I said using a frown. Just what I didnt need. Can I appearance now?
Brenda turned the chair so that I was facing the reflection. I barely recognized myself. Wow. I had! Whatcha believe…?