Love Your Body Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Love Your Body Audiobook (Free)


How will you experience your body? How you find yourself, as well as your attitude about the body, greatly influence oneself esteem, your emotional wellness, and even your physical health. If you’re interested in improving your health, recovering from illness, loosing fat, or becoming healthier, under no circumstances underestimate the importance of your body image. And in the event that you struggle with an eating disorder, you will want to spend especially attention to this concern.

With this gentle guided yoga by about Like THE BODY Max Highstein, voice artist Kitzie Stern guides you on the journey to a pleasant, secluded setting, full of healing energy. There you’ll have the opportunity to see the body with objectivity and neutrality, end up being at tranquility with yourself, and find out your own body — and yourself — with compassion and gratitude. You’ll let go of negative messages you might have repeated to yourself over time, and affirm brand-new, positive ones. And you’ll have time to hear what the body has to tell you about your next steps.

From the writer: Today, it’s virtually impossible in order to avoid the media’s relentless procession of idealized bodies. But within reality people come in all shapes, sizes and shades. Looking good is normally one thing, but being enthusiastic about creating a body that fits what’s on TV is insanity! Regrettably, it also prospects to plenty of misery, disappointment, and low self-confidence, and contributes to eating disorders and harmful diets.

Some reasons for having our bodies are possible to improve, and some aren’t. Whether you’re planning to change your appearance, or understand you’ll be living with it as is usually, learning to accept and love the body in its present form can be one of the healthiest & most helpful steps you can take.

I wrote this program to help us help to make peace with this bodies, and to forget about all the old programming we’ve been given from early on, right up for this day. Development that says “EASILY don’t look a certain way, I don’t matter”. That’s something none of us need to carry around around.

Somewhere there are a cosmetic surgeon who hopes you won’t use this led meditation, since it might just cut in to the next payment in his third home. Poor guy! I hope you’ll use Like Your Body to improve your life, from the inside out.