First Things First Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

First Things First Audiobook (Free)


Stephen R. Covey is an internationally respected leadership authority and founder of Covey Command Center. He received his M.B.A. from Harvard and a doctorate from Brigham Young School, where he was a professor of business administration and organizational behavior for 20 years. His publication, The 7 Habits of IMPRESSIVE People, has offered a lot more than 10 million copies and has been translated into 30 languages.

A. Roger Merril, a well-known innovator in time management and leadership development, is usually a vice leader and founding meember of Covey Command Center. He holds a degree running a business administration and did extensive graduate function in organizational behavior and adult learning.

Rebecca R. Merril, a mom, grandmother, homemaker, and accomplished author, in addition has served in numerous leadership positions in a number of community, eduational, and women’s organizations.