Noumenon Audiobook (Free)
- Laurence Bouvard, Christopher Ragland, Madeleine Rose
- 14 h 27 min
- HarperCollins Publishers UK
- 2017-07-27
‘A striking experience story that could keep a galaxy in its scope’
Astrophysicist Reggie Straifer offers discovered a mysterious object in deep space: a strange star, blinking in a seemingly impossible pattern. As mankind plans its 1st escapades beyond the solar system, Reggie and thousands of others sign up for NOUMENON – a convoy of nine ships on a objective to reveal the origins of this anomalous star. Is usually its strobing an all natural phenomenon or something far more alien?
NOUMENON’s voyage will take centuries. To preserve their skills, the convoy is certainly populated by clones of its first crew. Delivered and reborn inside a covered society with an individual purpose, every specific and every era must comprehend inheritances that proceed much beyond DNA.
Marina J. Lostetter’s stunning debut explores the miracles of deep space and the obsessions, worries and wishes of humanity’s first interstellar travellers as they acceleration toward a single blinking star and a breakthrough beyond their wildest imaginings.
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