Understanding the Fundamentals of Classical Music Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Understanding the Fundamentals of Classical Music Audiobook (Free)


This course is not designed like a chronological survey of musical history and its many stylistic periods or moments, nor an exploration of the lives and output of individual composers. Instead, these lectures concentrate on the development of listening skills. Through this program you will develop new degrees of aural understanding that will enable you to better appreciate the richness, complexity and excitement at the heart of all great concert music. Music is usually a performative artwork. It stresses motion about Understanding the Fundamentals of Classical Music through period and engages our suggestive sense of its moving. Music has inclination, it normally invokes goals of various sorts, both close to and considerably. Music provides closure, a sensation not just of finishing, but of expecting forget about. Music also has accent. It is a powerful process of tensions and nuance that frequently varies in aspect from one performance to another. My strategy in this program will by style become thematic and eclectic. It will juxtapose styles and passages from different works designed to spotlight a specific musical idea or aural impact. Don’t worry about definitions, those are given in the glossary by the end of this instruction. Instead, focus on the musical examples themselves.