Scotland’s Jesus: The Only Officially Non-racist Comedian Audiobook (Free)
Reading Scotland’s Jesus ought to be like being called in to the living area by your son or daughter shouting that they visit a little red dot on the head of the TV newscaster, then driving the white hot bullet through the propaganda circuitry of his or her exploding brain.
It’s a funny book about the news headlines, partly because it was decided that a pornographic publication about Scottish Self-reliance wouldn’t really offer. In chapters which range from International Politics to the Animal Globe, ‘Scotland’s Jesus’ is definitely allowed the chance to display his more and more unsympathetic worldview and disintegrating psyche.
A torrent of jokes about latest events provide the framework for any broader philosophical despair. Frankie Boyle uses the tales of the popular press being a springboard to explain the type of reality and the facts of our enslavement to mirthless commercial Warlocks.
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