Newsletter Ninja: How to Become an Author Mailing List Expert Audiobook (Free) | AudioBooksLoft

Newsletter Ninja: How to Become an Author Mailing List Expert Audiobook (Free)


Are you fighting email? Newsletter quantities obtaining you down? Fewer people opening your text messages? No real reaction when you launch a book?

There’s another way–a better way.

Imagine having a large list of happy visitors who have devoured every email you sent. Or starting a reserve and activating an military of supporters who do the selling for you. You could be that person, by using Newsletter Ninja.

Newsletter Ninja is a thorough resource made to teach you how exactly to about Newsletter Ninja: How to be an Author Mailing List Expert build and keep maintaining a strongly engaged email list–one filled with actual fans willing to purchase the books you write, instead of free-seekers who’ll forget your name and never open your email messages.

Learn new ways to think about your email listRe-energize your existing subscribersEmbrace not only the fundamentals, but following level methodsImprove engagement watching those open/click prices soarBuild a happy list of passionate readersLaunch your books into the chartsYou’ll get a handle on open prices, click rates, and engagement–while also studying yourself, your readers, and what you’re really selling when you send out a contact. (Spoiler: it isn’t your books.)

Whether you’re creating a email list, want to grow an existing one, or simply want to raise your email video game, Publication Ninja has solutions which will work for you.